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Sandblasting Suit Overalls
Sandblasting Suit
Sandblasting Suit Overalls
Sandblasting operators are working under very difficult conditions because of the blasting abrasives and dust exposed of sandblasting. For this reason, we sell custom manufactured sandblasting suits overalls providing operators ease of movement and protection. Our sandblasting suits are designed especially for sandblasting and provides much better protection than any other textile production. Our sandblasting overalls are ideal product for personnel especially in indoor environments. It has a positive effect on the operator when used with sandblasting helmet and allows ease of movement. Most of the front portion are manufactured from abrasion resistant artificial leather. Therefore, the sandblasting overalls obtain optimum degree of protection for the operators against bouncing abrasives. Back section of it is manufactured from a tightly woven fabric that allows skin breathe and dust proof. It grasp the boots and gloves worn and prevents the passage of any dust from these areas.
Sandblasting Cabinet