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Saykar Sandblasting


Our Company, SAYKAR was established in 2003 by Senior Material and Metallurgical Engineer Ufuk Ali Saylan and Alptuğ Karcı. We have been specialized at producing sandblasting machines, equipments and establishing sandblasting facilities by 10 years of experience.

Saykar has been cooperated with almost 2200 companies, produced over 600 sandblasting machines and established 20 sandblasting facilities from past to present. You may see at the references page some of the companies which our cabinets, machines are working at. We have improved especially our technological infrastructure with R&D and present our products according to sandblasting market needs at very proper prices. All our manufacturing is designed as three-dimensional. Instead of the replica products we make original machine designs and produce. You could obtain all your needs related to sandblasting such as sandblasting cabinets, sandblasting machines and sandblasting equipments from our company. Saykar for all your needs for sandblasting.

Sandblasting Cabinet